This article only applies to Relay Accounts with our Relay Pro Plan. If you are unsure of what service plan you have, or want to learn more about what features are included in your plan, contact your Customer Success Representative or the Relay Support Team.
Environment / Applies To
- Relay Dash
- Relay Pro Plan with Indoor Location
What are Rounds?
With Rounds, teams can now track their regular, location check-in activities (e.g. security patrols, floor check-ins, etc.) passively, eliminating the need for manual entry with paper logs, QR codes, or NFC scans. As teams carry Relay devices on their rounds, the Relay devices will detect indoor location readings from beacons, which automatically marks a round as complete. Relay admins can then access all logs for Rounds in Dash and can configure notifications to be sent any time a round is missed.
Configuring and Monitoring Rounds
- For information on how to configure Rounds in Dash, reference this article.
- Prior to setting up rounds, ensure you have your Buildings, and Groups configured in Dash. For information on setting up buildings, reference this article. For information on setting up groups, reference this article.
- For information on how to monitor Rounds in Dash, reference this article.
Rounds FAQ's
- When do Rounds Complete?
- What Does "Check Floor Only" Mean on Rounds?
- Why Would I Choose a Floor Only Set Up on Rounds?
- When Does the Missed Rounds Timer Begin?
- Can I have Multiple User or Notifier Groups for a Single Rounds?