How to Change the Batteries in your Beacons?
To better understand how to change batteries for standard Indoor Location Beacons.
Environment / Applies To
Standard Indoor Location Beacons
- Relay Pro App
- Dashboard
Indoor Location Beacons are used to track the location of our Relay devices and provide those details via our Dashboard. When your beacon status shows low battery or needs replacing, this is when you'd want to change out the two AA batteries.
We offer two types of beacons, standard and XL. Standard beacons are small rectangles with the Relay logo printed on the front of the beacon, and have an estimated lifespan of 2 years. XL beacons are squares with a grey button on the center, and have an estimated lifespan of 10 years. Only Standard beacons can be reused once the battery dies. XL beacons cannot be reused.
Standard XL
How to Change the Batteries for Your Standard Beacons?
- Confirm which beacons need replacing from your Beacon Report
Go to the associated room and locate your beacon
Open the beacon cover by placing a card or thin object in the side slots
Remove and properly dispose the two old AA batteries
Replace with two AA batteries (not rechargeable)
Make sure those are seated in the correct orientation
When both batteries are placed correctly you will see a quick blue light blink on the front of device, this indicates the beacon now has power
Place the cover back onto the beacon
After replacing batteries, verify the beacons status following the "Room Verification" steps in this article.
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