How Relay Calling Works

How Relay Calling Works


  1. To better understand how Relay Calling works on a device, the Relay Pro App, and Relay Dashboard

Environment / Applies To

  1. Essentials, Pro, and Enterprise Service Plans
  2. Relay Devices
  3. Dash
  4. Relay Pro App


  1. Relay calling creates a temporary private channel between two users for direct communication. Once in the channel, users can use the Talk button to send messages just like normal communications.
  2. When sending and receiving messages during a call, the LED's will turn green instead of blue.
  3. When receiving a call,  device users will hear the caller's name followed by a beep, signaling the call has begun.
    1. App users will receive a notification when calls begin and end. iOS users will receive a dropdown notification stating the caller is speaking, and will hear the call sound signaling the call has begun. Android users will receive an audible notification stating “Call with {User}”, then hear the call sound. 
    2. Dash users will hear the name of the user who is calling, followed by the call sound. 
  4. After 10 seconds of inactivity from either user, both users in the call will hear a beep, signaling the call has automatically ended. Users will return to their previous channel.
    1. Please Note: We also offer 20 and 30 second call out options for calling, to learn how to configure a longer calling timeout, reference this article. 
  5. If a call is missed, Dash and App users will see a notification for a missed call.

Additional Information 

  1. For more information on how to place a call, reference this article 

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