How to Pair and Unpair a Bluetooth Headset From a Relay

How to Pair and Unpair a Bluetooth Headset From a Relay


  1. Pair and Unpair a Bluetooth headset from Relay Devices 

Environment/Applies To

  1. Relay+ Devices
  2. RelayX Devices


Pairing Bluetooth Headsets to a Relay


  1. Confirm your Bluetooth headset is in pairing mode
  2. Press and hold the Relay Assistant button while saying Connect Bluetooth then release the button
  3. Your Relay will scan for nearby Bluetooth devices
  4. Device will announce once headset is paired


  1. Navigate to the Menu on the RelayX screen
  2. Menu OptionPair Bluetooth Select this option to scan for nearby bluetooth headsets to pair
  3. When selecting this option your RelayX device will announce Scanning for available headsets in pairing mode and the screen will also read Scanning for available bluetooth devices
  4. The LED's will spin Blue while searching for a headset to pair
  5. Device will confirm once headset is paired

Unpair Bluetooth Headsets from a Relay


  1. Press and hold the Relay assistant button while saying disconnect bluetooth then release the button


Unpairing headsets on a RelayX can be done in two ways:
  1. Press and hold the Relay assistant button while saying disconnect bluetooth then release the button
  2. On the RelayX Screen you will select Menu and click Unpair

Additional Notes:

  1. For instructions on how to connect Bluetooth, see this article

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