How to Set Up Color Code & Custom Phrase Incidents

How to Set Up Color Code & Custom Phrase Incidents


To better understand how to set up and customize incidents 

Environment / Applies To 

  1. Relay Dash 
  2. Relay Essentials, Pro, and Enterprise Service Plans


Please Note:
  1. Custom Phrase incidents are only available on Pro or Enterprise plans.
  2. You will need to set up Groups prior to configuring incidents. For information on how to configure groups, reference this article.
  3. Setting up Incident workflows only applies to Color Code and Custom Phrase incidents. Panic incident configuration can only be done by a member of the Relay Customer Success or Support teams.
  1. Log into Dash at
  2. Click Incidents
  3. Click Incident Set Up
  4. Click Configure Incident Phrase 
  5. For Essential Plan users, choose your color code 
  6. For Pro Plan users, create a custom phrase
  7. Select the Group that can Trigger this incident
    1. Note:
      1. If all users should be able to trigger this incident, click Select All users.
      2. If you have not yet set up your groups, click Set Up Groups. Setting up groups from here will cancel the incident set up process, and take you to Group configuration.
  8. Click Submit
  9. Choose between a Basic Responder Group, or an Advanced Responder Group. If using the basic responder configuration, proceed to step 10, if using advanced responder groups, skip to step 15
    1. Note: A Basic Responder Group is a single group of users who are notified, communicate, and may resolve the incident. Choosing Advanced will allow multiple responder groups for an incident. With Advanced there will be a group that is only notified, a group that is notified and can communicate, and a group that has full access including resolving a panic.

For Basic Responder Groups 

  1. Select your Responder Group 
  2. Click Submit
  3. Choose an email to be notified when a panic is initiated 
  4. Choose whether the originator is able to communicate with responders during the incident 
  5. Choose whether the originator should be notified when their incident is acknowledged 

For Advanced Responder Groups 

  1. If you choose an Advanced Responder Group, select the Responder group that should Respond to the Incident 
  2. Select the Group that can Communicate during the incident 
  3. Select the Group that should be notified of the incident 
  4. Choose an email to be notified when a panic is initiated 
  5. Choose whether the originator is able to communicate with responders during the incident 
  6. Choose whether the originator should be notified when their incident is acknowledged

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